Office Based Surgery
National Patient Safety Goals NPSG
Hand Hygiene - Alcohol-based Hand Products
Do we have to use alcohol-based hand products?
Any examples are for illustrative purposes only.
Accredited organizations are required to provide health care workers with a readily accessible alcohol-based hand product. However, use of such a product by any individual health care worker is not required. Both the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and World Health Organization hand hygiene guidelines describe when this type of cleaner may be used instead of soap and water. If a healthcare worker chooses not to use it, then soap and water should be used instead.
Accredited organizations are required to provide health care workers with a readily accessible alcohol-based hand product. However, use of such a product by any individual health care worker is not required. Both the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and World Health Organization hand hygiene guidelines describe when this type of cleaner may be used instead of soap and water. If a healthcare worker chooses not to use it, then soap and water should be used instead.
Last updated on April 26, 2022
with update notes of: Editorial changes only
First Published Date: April 11, 2016