Office Based Surgery
Environment of Care EC
Operating Room - Temperature
Can temperatures be outside of established range in operating rooms?
Any examples are for illustrative purposes only.
The Joint Commission references NFPA 99-2012 Chapter 9, that requires the use of ASHRAE 170-2008, Ventilation Table 7-1. This document provides allowances to exceed minimum temperature ranges. To use this exception, it must be done by following the established organizational policy. In accordance with the allowances, the policy or formal process must be limited to cases based on either surgeon, patient, or procedure. It is not acceptable to consistently maintain temperatures outside of the required ranges.
Reference EC.02.05.01 EP 15
Additional Resources:
A read only copy of the ASHRAE standard can be accessed from this hyperlink: ASHRAE
Then scroll down the list to Standard 170-2008 Ventilation of Health Care Facilities.
The Joint Commission references NFPA 99-2012 Chapter 9, that requires the use of ASHRAE 170-2008, Ventilation Table 7-1. This document provides allowances to exceed minimum temperature ranges. To use this exception, it must be done by following the established organizational policy. In accordance with the allowances, the policy or formal process must be limited to cases based on either surgeon, patient, or procedure. It is not acceptable to consistently maintain temperatures outside of the required ranges.
This is not a blanket exception but one to be used on a case-by-case basis. Once the surgical procedure has been completed the temperature is to be returned to the normal range. Additionally, when the temperature is temporarily adjusted outside of the established range, there is still an expectation that relative humidity levels remain below 60%.
Reference EC.02.05.01 EP 15
Additional Resources:
A read only copy of the ASHRAE standard can be accessed from this hyperlink: ASHRAE
Then scroll down the list to Standard 170-2008 Ventilation of Health Care Facilities.
Last updated on May 09, 2023
with update notes of: Review only, FAQ is current
First Published Date: April 11, 2016
Last Reviewed Date: October 17, 2022