Behavioral Health
Environment of Care EC
Plans - Security Management Risk Assessment
What are the requirements for developing a security management plan?
Any examples are for illustrative purposes only.
The security management plan may be a stand-alone document or may be combined with other Environment of Care plans (one overarching plan or combined with another, such as the safety management plan, for instance). Components of the plan are outlined in EC.02.01.01 EPs, which include but not limited to:
Any requirements from the local authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) are expected to be followed.
EC.01.01.01 EP 5
The Joint Commission standard EC.01.01.01 EP 5 requires the organization to develop a security management plan based on the organization facility's circumstances. This security management plan is developed from the risk assessment as described in EC.02.01.01. This risk assessment would include but not limited to:
- applicable staff
- type of training
- level of training
- required credentials
The security management plan may be a stand-alone document or may be combined with other Environment of Care plans (one overarching plan or combined with another, such as the safety management plan, for instance). Components of the plan are outlined in EC.02.01.01 EPs, which include but not limited to:
- how will security risks be assessed and mitigated
- staff roles in security management
- how the facility is secured
- how the organization contact external security forces if needed
- how the organization will control access to areas identified as security sensitive
- how physical or verbal threats, acts of violence, inappropriate behavior will be managed
- If the organization has an MRI, there is to be an assessment for safety and security risk that addresses patient comfort and safety, equipment safety and security, and staff safety
Any requirements from the local authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) are expected to be followed.
EC.01.01.01 EP 5
Last updated on November 22, 2024
with update notes of: Editorial changes only
First Published Date: April 11, 2016