Manual: Advanced DSC - Primary Stroke Center
Chapter: Performance Measurement DSPM
Topic: Performance Measure Data - Electronic Submission

How does the organization submit stroke performance measure data to The Joint Commission?

Any examples are for illustrative purposes only.

Quarterly data reporting is required on all standardized measures. Monthly aggregate numerator and denominator values on each of the required Stroke (STK) measures and the Comprehensive Stroke (CSTK) measure must be reported to The Joint Commission on a quarterly basis and are due four months after the close of the calendar quarter. 

The monthly aggregate values for each of measure must be manually entered into the measure data tables in the Certification Measure Information Process (CMIP) application accessed through the hospital's Joint Commission Connect extranet site.  In the alternative, the hospital and its certified program can elect to have its measure data submitted to The Joint Commission electronically through a Joint Commission-listed vendor that supports data collection and reporting for purposes of certification.  After contracting with the vendor the hospital must notify The Joint Commission.  The Joint Commission will process and analyze the data that are received through a vendor and populate the measure data tables in CMIP with the appropriate aggregate values.  

While monthly data are due four months after the close of a calendar quarter, certified programs manually entering the monthly aggregate values for each measure in CMIP may do so at any time.  If submitting data through a vendor, it will take approximately two additional weeks for the data to appear in CMIP.

For additional information, click here:  Performance Measurement

Last updated on October 29, 2021
First Published Date: April 11, 2016