Manual: Advanced DSC - Comprehensive Stroke
Chapter: Delivering or Facilitating Clinical Care DSDF
Topic: Education - Staff Requirements for Comprehensive Stroke Certification

What are the staff education requirements for Comprehensive Stroke Program Certification?

Any examples are for illustrative purposes only.

CEUs to meet the education requirements for Certified Stroke Centers can include any education regarding the physiology or care of the stroke patient. Examples include NIHSS certification, education regarding neurologic assessment, care of the ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke patient.

If your organization performs mechanical thrombectomies, then education regarding the procedure or care of the patient pre or post-procedure is acceptable. The same is true if your organization cares for subarachnoid hemorrhage patients. If you have a question regarding a specific education module, please contact your Account Executive who can assist you.
  • Core stroke team members, as defined by the organization, are required to have 8 hours of stroke education annually. 
  • ED nurses, as identified by the organization, are required to have 2 hours of education on cerebro-vascular disease annually.
  • Non-nursing ED staff, for example, Physician Assistants, EKG/Respiratory Care Technicians, Imaging/Laboratory staff, etc., as identified by the organization, are required to have 2 hours of education on cerebrovascular disease annually.
  • Nurses (other than ED) caring for comprehensive stroke patients as identified by the organization, are required to have 8 hrs. of stroke education annually. Examples may include, but not limited to: nurses providing stroke care in the stroke unit, ICU that contains the dedicated neuro-intensive care beds for  complex stroke patients, endovascular catheterization laboratory, patient care units, a rehabilitation unit, etc.


Last updated on November 15, 2023 with update notes of: Editorial changes only
First Published Date: July 26, 2017