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Educating Hospitals in Puerto Rico During COVID-19 Pandemic

Dr. Carlos R. Ortiz discusses how a team from The Joint Commission helped support hospitals in Puerto Rico with a variety of COVID resources.

How Cultural Differences can Affect Communities Differently During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Marie Ramirez discusses how COVID-19 has affected the Hispanic community.

New Tools and Services to Battle COVID-19

Emalyn Bravo shares the non-traditional solutions her medical community is using to deal with the issues COVID-19 has presented.

Determination in the Face of Fear and Uncertainty

Michele Lecardo shares how she and her co-workers care for patients even when the disease is hard to understand.

Coming Together for the Common Good

Dr. Bjorn Ghillemijn is the Chief Medical Officer of a 400-bed acute care hospital in Belgium. Watch as he shares his pride in the entire hospital staff, who worked together as a unit to solve problems and keep each other and their patients safe.

Foresight and Emergency Planning Pay Off

Paula Vallejo shares how a strong risk and infection control management program helped prepare her organization for the pandemic we’re currently facing.

Quick Action Taken to Mobilize Hospitals in Korea

Dr. Chinhak Chun discusses how hospitals in Korea worked to contain the virus.

Staying Positive During the Pandemic

Robert Carlock sees the positives that have come out of this crisis and how they will prepare us for the future.

Collaboration and Teamwork Help During Crisis

Tom Magliocchetti shares how a multidisciplinary team can work together to fight this pandemic.

Ramping up to Fight COVID-19

Susan Ashcraft shares how her organization prepared for the increased patient load.

Working on Manpower Surge Planning

International surveyor, Mahyar Sadeghi implements different strategies in order to address ever-increasing workforce needs.

New York Lab Experiences Ultimate Sacrifice

New York physician, Dr. Alejandro Zuretti discusses the issues facing hospital labs in the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic.

New Pharmacy Workflow

Dr. Natalie Holt discusses changes to their pharmacy department operations in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Backup and Support for One Another

Brian Saul shares his experiences in the command center and how his organization is dealing with the challenges created by COVID-19.

Coming Together with One Goal

Working in the emergency department at one of the largest hospitals in Chicago gives Elizabeth Even a unique perspective on treating those patients infected with COVID-19.

A Lifeline for Those in Need

Paul Bretz shares his experiences on the usefulness of tele-health and tele-medicine during the COVID-19 pandemic.                                                                                                           

Educating the Community

Home health care has an expanded role during the COVID-19 pandemic and Bih-Shang Shen shares how communications with the patient is more vital than ever.

Trusted Guidance. Trusted Resources.

COVID-19 information to support health care professionals and organizations.